KitchenAid Mixer Cover Tutorial

Okay, it’s been a REALLY LONG time since I made this, but I finally got around to writing up a tutorial for the KitchenAid mixer cover.
Mixer Cover

When I originally made the cover, I didn’t think much about writing up a tutorial.  Thus, no detailed pictures.  If I ever find my chicken scratch sketch, I’ll be sure to update this post with some numbers.  But, on the bright side, you’ll get a nice PDF printable tutorial 🙂

Keep in mind these are pretty half-hazard instructions since it’s been over a year, so if you find any problems, please let me know!  I tried to make some diagrams, but they’re all in the PDF, so download it to get the most detailed version.

To make your pattern, you will need some muslin (I don’t know…a yard maybe?), some flexible measuring tape (or some string), and your general sewing tools.

To make the actual cover (once you make your pattern), you will need your main panel fabric (that’s yellow in my picture), front/back panel fabric (blue), and enough bias tape to cover the arches and the bottom (I think I used between 3-4 yards).  The fabric will depend on your actual mixer instructions.  My mom’s mixer is one of the bigger ones (hurray for Costco!).

You will be drafting the main body (yellow part) and the front/back panel (blue part) pattern pieces.  The final assembly is straight forward:  sew with WRONG sides together and then cover the edges with bias binding.  Yes, you will either need bias binding (double fold) or you can make your own but make sure to cut your strips on the bias!  Curves do not do well without a bias cut.

You can download the PDF here.

Any questions or if you find any errors, do let me know by posting a comment or emailing me!

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15 Responses to KitchenAid Mixer Cover Tutorial

  1. Dena says:

    Thank you for the tutorial. This is exactly what I was looking for.

  2. Cathy says:

    Thank you sooooo much. I’ve been looking for a cover and able to find the material pattern I wanted. Now I can make my own.

  3. Lynn says:

    Seriously? You haven’t posted since August? Really?

  4. Pingback: Hope Valley Mixer Cover « Mudmuffins and Woogiemonsters

  5. Pingback: Showing some love to my new toy! « Chaos Appreciation

  6. Pingback: Oh, happy day… | A Glimpse Into Barb's Life….

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  8. delia says:

    in your how to make a pattern for a kitcenaid mixer you said to cut a rectangle c+1xa+1 and d+1xb+1.I am unclear as to what that means.Could you please explain. thank you. delia

  9. Pingback: Anyone for some kitchen coordinates? | Compass Points

  10. Pingback: DIY: KitchenAid Mixer Cover part 1 | Things, tings, and chicken wings!

  11. I am IN LOVE with this tutorial. I blogged about it today. I will be finishing my mixer cover tomorrow. I can’t wait to share the results with you! Thank you for sharing the tutorial. My sister-in-law already wants me to make her one!

  12. Pingback: DIY: KitchenAid Mixer Cover part 2 | Things, tings, and chicken wings!

  13. DIY: KitchenAid Mixer Cover part 2

    That’s my mixer cover! Thanks again for the tutorial.

  14. Ida Dohoney says:

    Been looking for this type of pattern to fit not only the mixer but oval crockpots, large and small.

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